Friday, June 4, 2010


I take my hat off to all who wear hats for no other reason but fashion. A hat can completely change the personality of the wearer, make them stand differently and walk differently. A hat can make that person feel interesting. People think sometimes that people who wear hats want to show off. But human beings, since the beginning of time, have always wanted to embellish themselves. It’s a human thing to want to dress every part.

When I think of a wonderful wearer of hats, I think of no other than the late Isabella Blow. She was the fashion's nutty Aunty, adored by those who adore the world's more eccentric side, always dressed perfectly in an outrageous hat, couture clothing, the highest of stiletto heels; her lips were always fuchsia, scarlet or aubergine.

Isabella served as muse to and champion of some of the greatest talents: the late Alexander McQueen drew inspiration from Blow's extravagant, jolie laide persona, and Philip Treacy, London's top milliner, long designed with Blow in mind. Her personal life was famously rocky: She was painfully disinherited from her father's estate and was open about the difficulties she and her similarly stylish husband, Detmar, faced when trying to conceive. But, above all else, she loved fashion. She'll always be missed for that, for her flair, her wit, her generosity of spirit, her style.

Philip Treacy

Isabella Blow had been Philip Treacy’s friend and inspiration. Many of Treacy’s most surreal and sculptural hats have been made especially for Blow.

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